Bonn-Aachen International Center
for Information Technology





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cosec >students >Teaching >IPEC Summer 2008 

Hardware Cryptography (replaces Mobile Security)

Warning: the course topic and contents have changed from the originally announced Mobile Security course! This is now a Hardware Cryptography course.

Corresponding entry in b-it IPEC, Aachen Campus, Bonn Computer Science, Bonn Mathematics, Bonn University.


Jérémie Detrey

Time & Place

First meeting: Monday, 21 July 2008.


This course will focus on the hardware development and implementation of cryptographic primitives, and more precisely of elliptic curve cryptosystems. No former knowledge of this domain is required from the students.

The course will start with two series of lectures introducing the necessary material: elliptic curves and their use in cryptography, followed by hardware design and the VHDL language. It will then take a more practical turn, with the design of a full-blown hardware elliptic curve cryptosystem during tutorial and lab sessions. Designs will be simulated in software, but if we have time we might also consider an actual implementation on a reconfigurable circuit!


You will find here some interesting things to read, but they are in no way mandatory for this course:

Here are some slides with examples of elliptic curves used during the lectures: pdf.

We will also use some software in order to simulate and synthesize the VHDL description of our circuits. Free versions of these tools can be downloaded there:

Of course, you do not have to download these tools before the course, unless you want to play with them for a bit. We will anyway go through everything together during the labs.

Useful stuff




5 SWS, 10 credits.

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