Notions of RSA Integers
Daniel Loebenberger (cosec - b-it)
Thursday 28 May 2009, 15.00, b-it 1.25 (cosec meeting room)
RSA integers are of central importance in cryptography. However it is neither clear what we actually should call an RSA integer nor how to generate such integers properly.
In this talk we discuss the notion of an RSA integer in general and further give an overview of some of the common notions that arise either from a purely number theoretic point of view or an algorithmic one.
We conclude that all notions of RSA integers are essentially equivalent, that is, the number of integers they count is equal up to a certain term of very small order. On the algorithmic side we analyze common open source implementations and propose algorithms for efficiently generating any type of RSA integers.
Joint work with Michael Nüsken.