Improving the accuracy and storage cost in biometric remote authentication schemes
Deniz Sarier (cosec - b-it)
Thursday 14 January 2010, 1515, b-it 1.25 (cosec meeting room)
In ICB'09, Sarier proposed a novel approach for biometric based remote authentication
scheme designed for distributed systems with a central database, which stores a random pool of features instead of the biometric templates of each user. Despite of its efficiency in terms of computation and storage cost, the scheme is not robust against white noise in biometrics and the issues of complexity and formal security has not been evaluated. In this paper, we describe an efficient remote authentication scheme with improved accuracy and lower complexity by considering the range information of every component of the user biometrics separately. Also, the new scheme guarantees a higher level of security by emloying ElGamal encryption system and achieves the recently introduced security notions. Finally, we compare our results with existing provably secure schemes and achieve reduced computational complexity and database storage cost due to the single storage of the common features and amortization of the time complexity of the Private Information Retrieval (PIR).
{\bf Keywords}: Remote authentication, Biometric template security, Identity privacy, Distributed systems,PIR