Written ...
- ... this is not up-to-date any more. Some newer articles may be found at arXiv or at publications.
- Norbert Hungerbühler & " (2006), Delian Metamorphoses (Delische Verwandlungen). Elemente der Mathematik 1 (2006), 1-19.
- " & Martin Ziegler (2004), Fast Multipoint Evaluation of Bivariate Polynomials. Proceedings of ESA 2004.
- Olaf Müller & " (2002), Never trust Victor: An alternative resettable Zero-Knowledge Protocol. In Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2002, ALFRED MENEZES & PALASH SARKAR, editors, number 2551 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 79-92. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- " (2002), `Unique Tensor Factorization of Loop-Resistant Algebras over a Field of Finite Characteristic', Journal of Algebra 251(2), 509-528.
- " (1999), `Unique Tensor Factorization of Algebras', Math. Ann. 315 (1999) 3, 341-362.
- " (1999), `Spassaufgaben', Personal notes (German).
- " (1998), `Topologische Grenzen für Algebraische Berechnungsbäume', Personal notes (German).
- " (1998), `Unique Tensor Factorization of Algebras', Dissertation.
- " (1996), `Degeneration of modules over k[X,Y]/(X2,Y2)', Preprint.
- " (1994), `Degenerationen von Kronecker-Moduln', Personal notes (German).
- " (1993), `Über asymptotische Packungen und Quasizufälligkeit', Diplomarbeit (German).
Further there are materials from some talks.
Remark: Personal notes do not claim to contain original material, nor does Diplomarbeit.