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cosec >students >Theses topics >Open topics 

Theses topics, open

The following list describes possible theses or internships. The following descriptions are of course just a rough sketch and not binding in any way. The actual compilation may differ considerably. However, you should get an impression of which kind of theses you can do with us. If you are interested in writing a thesis with us, contact us.

Simulators Bombe, Enigma
Various designs have been proposed for remote electronic voting. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse one. Security definitions, security reductions and social implications shall be considered.
Remote electronic elections
Various designs have been proposed for remote electronic voting. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse one. Security definitions, security reductions and social implications shall be considered.
Advancing CrypTool
The aim of the CrypTool software is to present cryptographical primitives and notions. This should be done in a easy to use way for learning and teaching. To a large extent software engineering is necessary to achieve that. However, also a substantial theoretical background is important to make it a really helpful tool. Several open.
Counting coarse-grained integers
A coarse-grained integer is an integer whose few prime factors stem from a given interval. The issue of this thesis is to learn more about the number of such integers below a given bound x. Develop and prove a formula for the number of coarse-grained integers in the spirit of Riemann. Transfer theory and algorithms for prime counting to counting coarse-grained integers.
Medical Calendars
Calendars for maintaining personal appointments are widely in use nowadays. Also for making appointments electronic tools are available in a great variety. Health care also need this functionality, but here the security requirements are typically much higher than elsewhere.
Security reductions in real world applications
Calendars for maintaining personal appointments are widely in use nowadays. Also for making appointments electronic tools are available in a great variety. Health care also need this functionality, but here the security requirements are typically much higher than elsewhere.
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