Bonn-Aachen International Center
for Information Technology





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cosec >students >Special events >crypt@b-it 2016 

crypt@b-it 2016

This event is organized in cooperation with:

Summer school on Cryptography

25 July - 29 July 2016,
b-it, Bonn, Germany.

This summer school on cryptography offers undergraduate and graduate students and researchers the opportunity to crypt a bit. It provides acquaintance and interaction in an intellectually stimulating and informal atmosphere in pleasant surroundings.

The crypt@b-it is organized in cooperation with the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security, Graduiertenkolleg UbiCrypt, Bochum, Germany. In cooperation with IACR and GI.


The one-week summer school crypt@b-it 2016 will explore some areas of cryptography.  Invited Speakers are:

In addition, there will be tutorials and hands-on exercises on topics somewhat related to the lectures, possibly including an exhibit of an actual Enigma machine. The intended audience are undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs and researchers who work in the area or at least have a basic knowledge.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Internet and cloud. About TLS, outsourcing and reductions

Markulf Kohlweiss


Analysis and design of symmetric crypto systems

Christian Rechberger

  Lunch break
1430-1600 Tutorial ?? Tutorial

The Enigma machine

Max Gebhardt

1630-1800 Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial
Evening Social activity


The reduced registration fee for students is 120€, please send a certificate of study from your university. The regular registration fee for the event is 600€.

This amount includes daily refreshments, lunch, and the excursion.

We are sorry but the registration is now closed. If you still want to register please write an email to the organizing committee.


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